Premier’s Reading Challenge Update

It is with great pleasure that we can inform you that the Premier’s Reading Challenge certificates have finally arrived.

Premier’s Reading Challenge Update

It is with great pleasure that we can inform you that the Premier’s Reading Challenge certificates have finally arrived.


Due to the change of Premier, the certificate had to be reprinted.

Therefore, this resulted in them arriving late this year.


We would like to congratulate all those who were able to complete the challenge and your certificates will be presented to you next week by your class teacher.


The year level recipients who read the most books will receive their 2023 certificate and badge will be presented at Monday mornings assembly.


Congratulations to:


Foundation: Arnold (FS)

Grade 1: Amelia M (1/2K)

Grade 2: Shipley (1/2K)

Grade 3: Luna (3O)

Grade 4: Ryan K (4K)

Grade 5: Alex M (5L)

Grade 6: Anton (6K)


All other certificates will be presented in the classroom.


Well done everyone. Happy reading in the holidays.


Francine Stroud

Premier’s Reading Challenge Coordinator