Students of the Week!

Term 4 - Week 8
Week 8:
Noah A - For always bringing your keen energy for learning and life. You are a star and are always trying your best and listening to your teacher’s feedback.
Anya S - Anya, what a super few weeks you have had! I have been so happy to see your smiley and cheerful self back in the classroom. You have shown resilience and bravery and should be very proud of yourself. Congratulations Anya!
James McM - Congratulations James! You always display a dedicated and persistent attitude towards your learning. You should be very proud of your achievements this year. Well done!
Hamish J - Hamish, you have shown great resilience and maturity to work through disagreements and discuss ways that we can make our class a kinder place. Well done legend!
Oscar McQ - Congratulations Oscar! You should be very proud of your handwriting as it is the standard of a Grade 3/4 student. Well done champion!
Will E - Will, your active engagement in class discussions demonstrates your eagerness to participate and share insightful thoughts. Your focus and concentration on tasks also sets a motivating standard for your peers. You make our classroom a more vibrant and productive space to learn. We are so lucky to have you in 2A Will!
Emerson T - Emerson, what a joy you are to have in 2B! I have loved watching your confidence grow over the year. You have grown in leaps and bounds, and you should be so proud of yourself. Keep shining bright like the superstar you are!
Michaela S - Michaela consistently demonstrates all of the school values and has become a wonderful role model in the class. She challenges herself in her learning and confidently shares her knowledge and ideas. Michaela is always respectful and kind to everyone around her. Keep up the amazing work!
Reuben L - Reuben, thank you for being such a determined and focused student. You approach tasks with enthusiasm and always aim to get the most out of yourself. Thank you for being such a driven member of the classroom. You should be really proud of the way you apply yourself. Keep it up!
Ella B - Ella, congratulations on your hard work, effort and determination in all areas of your learning. You should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the amazing work!
Julian C - For the hard work and dedication you have put into your writing work. I am so proud of your progress! Keep up the excellent work Julian!
All of 3/4D - Kindness Binds Us. For the way you care for each other, your acts of kindness and thoughtfulness, and your sense of fun and humour are a joy to be around. Thank you 3/4D.
Lionel S - Lionel, you are such a kind, fun and inquisitive member of our grade. You have brought many moments of joy to our classroom this year and we are so grateful for that. You will thrive in Grade 5 next year!
Alex S - Alex, you are a funny, resilient and very capable student. Your determination on the basketball court is also fabulous to witness - a genuine all rounder. All the best for Grade 5!
Charlie M - Charlie, thank you for always advocating kindness and respect for others. You meaningfully model this every day, bringing that extra bit of sparkle to the classroom.
Benjamine G - There once was a girl in 5/6B, who guided us on a walk through the trees, in Earn and Learn runs our bank, taxes paid, her we thank, and her limericks were written wonderfully.
Lily Comeskey - Lily, your dedication, determination, and attention to detail reflects in your consistently beautifully presented work - a commendable commitment to learning. Congratulations on your remarkable accomplishments throughout this year!
Felix M - For your positive attitude to school, learning and life. You have made wonderful growth in all areas and continue to shine very brightly in 5/6D. Well done Felix!
Finn C - For the respect and attention that you give to your teachers during every lesson. You are an exceptional role model of our school values.
Leon R - You pushed through the pain, the burn, the sweat and the tears to smash your beep test record. Mrs Costa could not be more proud of your determination this term!