
The latest in Health/P.E
Foundation, 1 & 2
Relay races were in full swing this week. We played a warm-up game of poison ball and then had several different kids of relay races. We used all sorts of different equipment, from skipping ropes to basketballs, skateboards to pool noodle horses and finished off with sprints. Playing for House Points in the final championship was serious business and the students had so much fun. We have finally got our heads around the idea of relay races and it was great to consolidate their learnings this week with a championship medley for points!
3/4 & 5/6
This week in our upper years we were determined to beat our Beep Test results from February. We spoke about willpower, the control of the mind and motivation. I am SO proud of all our year 3, 4, 5 & 6 students. They have all had an incredible year in P.E, they have learnt new skills, enhanced their endurance, participated in new sports but most of all they have increased their motivation to just give it a go! Almost all of our students beat their previous scores.