Faith Formation and Mission

Mr Sandy Abbey | Assistant Principal - Faith Formation and Mission

Thank you to the many generous families who supported Project Compassion last term. A special word of thanks to Reid House for their management of the St Patrick’s Day Cake Stall, which added almost $600 to this total. Special thanks also to the following Homerooms who had amazing efforts: Giles 6 ($248.30), Giles 4 ($139), Clancy 1 ($184.55), Riversdale 6 ($129.05), Osborne 1 ($104). Together, Chevalier College managed to raise over $3500 to support vulnerable communities around the globe. 


This term, we have over twenty students participating in the Ration Challenge, which challenges students to live off the rations of a refugee for one week. This exercise helps students develop compassion for the flights of refugees worldwide and raise funds to support their wellbeing.


Our main social justice fundraiser for Term 2 is the Vinnies Winter Appeal with a particular focus on the issue of the working homeless. Australia’s current cost of living crisis means that more and more families are struggling to meet basic needs such as food and a warm place to stay. Coupled with a crisis in the rental market (less than 1% of rentals are affordable for a person on the minimum wage), Vinnies and other services are seeing an unprecedented increase in demand from employed Australians for additional support. Unfortunately, employment in Australia does not guarantee a way out of poverty. Every donation we make will help provide much needed assistance to those in the community doing it tough.

Students and families are invited to contribute to the Winter Appeal in one of the following ways:

  1. Donate using EFTPOS or cash. Each day during homeroom throughout Weeks 5-8, different homerooms will be visited with the EFTPOS machine and donation box. These funds will be used to provide vouchers for families to purchase food and other items.
  2. Donate online using the Chevalier College Vinnies Winter Appeal fundraising page which will be available on the school’s socials and student notices. Donating using this method provides individuals with tax deductable receipts.
  3. Donate goods requested by the local Vinnies Conferences such as long life milk, instant coffee, tea, pasta sauce, personal care items (such as soap, toothpaste, shampoo, toothbrush). A reminder that goods must be in date and undamaged.  It’s about ensuring that the items donated cherish the dignity of the individual receiving the goods.

 Every little bit counts.

Paddock to Plate


Recently, students taking part in a Year 9 short course have been learning how to collect farm produce and use it in recipes. They have cooked a delightful soup that has been packaged and frozen and will be delivered through local services to families in need. This is a wonderful example of students contributing to the local community.




National Reconciliation Week

The importance of National Reconciliation Week was highlighted through various activities, including:

  1. Prayers in Home Room focusing on National Reconciliation Week.
  2. Years 7 - 10 HSIE classes explored this topic in detail and contributed to a community installation activity. Year 11 and 12 students are also taking part in the community installation during their Wellbeing lessons.
  3. Historic moments in the Reconciliation Movement were displayed around the school. They were a reminder that the work towards Reconciliation continues.
  4. The Reconciliation Action Group (RAG) ran the BBQ after the cancellation of today’s Athletics Carnival as a fundraiser, and funds will go towards a clothing drive supporting remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern territory.


Staff Reflection Day

Our Staff Reflection Day was held onsite on Monday 29 April. The theme of the retreat was “Images of God,” and staff had the opportunity to reflect on how they relate to God and how this can impact their engagement with others. Staff considered a range of images of God before reflecting on the God revealed through spirituality of the Heart. Thank you to families for keeping your students at home so that staff could participate in this meaningful opportunity.



Formation Evening


Families are invited to participate in the following formation opportunity on Monday, 3 June 2024, from 7:30 to 9:00 pm (AEST).


The evening will explore the topic 'Sharing in Jesus' Belief in God' with former Chevalier College staff member Fr Michael Fallon MSC. It promises to be an enriching evening with one of Australia’s great scripture writers.


The evening will be presented on Zoom. 


To register, visit and complete the Google form (or email


All are welcome!