Stage Updates

Stage 4


As Terms 1 and 2 come to an end, it is gratifying to look back on the positive start to the school year for our Stage 4 students. 


Year 7 Update: 


Starting high school has certainly been a big change for Year 7 students, and they should all be commended on the way they have embraced the transition. The first half of the year has been busy as they participated in Welcome Day, the Buddy Leader Program, the Swimming Carnival, and Retreat, signed up for winter sports, and attended the ThinkUKnow presentation, which was focused on providing e-safety advice and delivered by our local Youth Engagement Officer, Senior Constable Rachel Kennedy. 


We would like to thank Year 7 parents for attending our Year 7 Information Evening and Cocktail Evening earlier in the year. It was lovely to meet and chat with many of you, and we appreciate your commitment and involvement in your child’s schooling. 


Year 8 Update: 


We would like to acknowledge Year 8 as they settle back into the school routine and continue to set a positive example for our Year 7 students.  We are impressed with the way Year 8 have embraced Flipped Learning and their SIM and Wellbeing subjects. 


Sporting & Academic Highlights in Stage 4: 

A shout out to Flynn W, Tom G and Rhys F for representing the Southern Highlands at the Hockey State Championships. Their team ended up placing 6th overall and Tom G received “players player” for the tournament. Fantastic work! 


Congratulations to Arabelle T, Lucy S, Brydie S, Jessica V, Heidi B, Georgie H, Tilly S, Abby M, and Rosemary D for competing at the Under 14 Girls NSW State Championships and walking away with silver in Division 2! 


Chevalier’s Jnr A Girls Touch Footy team was victorious this season winning the finals of the ISA competition. Congratulations Emily K, Katie M, and Sophie W! The students spoke about their experience at one of our Stage Meetings. 


Recently, a group of Year 8 students participated in the Da Vinci Decathlon, an academic competition designed to challenge and stimulate students' minds. The students: Imogen B, Antonio D, Charlie F, Noah G, Eryn H, Evie S, Aleera T, and Nate W took 3rd place overall for Year 8, 1st in Creative Producers, 2nd in Engineering, and 3rd in Legacy. An outstanding performance! 



Mrs Xiomara Biasotti; Ms Joanne Crowe; Mr Joshua Higson.