
Ms Kelly Clunn and Mrs Natalie LaGarde | Assistant Principals Wellbeing

Push-Up Challenge

Our Sports Captains, Amesbury P and George L, along with Student Care Captains Charlotte M and Toby C and Nerissa E in Year 11, have begun promoting the Push-Up Challenge within the College community.


The Push-Up Challenge is a free mental health and fitness event focused on improving all Australians' mental health.


At Chev, the focus is on raising awareness, and every Home Room is encouraged to do 25 push-ups every Friday.


The Push For Better Foundation aims to raise awareness and engage people in mental health through The Push-Up Challenge, ensure the Foundation can continue to operate and run the Challenge in future years, equip student leaders in mental health through our Student Ambassador program, and more. 


Nerissa E : (Yr 11 Student Ambassador)

This past year (2023), I participated in the push-up challenge, raising over $4,000 for mental health. I’ve had the opportunity to join the student ambassador program for 2024.
Mental Health is a topic that not only I’m very passionate in but have experienced it personally, alongside many young students. My aim for 2024 being a part of the program would be to raise the awareness around mental health and aim to break the stigmas whilst continuing to raise money so services like lifeline can continue to support Australians in need. Alongside a way of bringing fitness into a daily routine.