What's been happening this term?

Gala Day, Zone Cross Country, Debating

Gala Day - Netball

Our junior and senior netball teams participated in their first Gala Day for 2024 on Friday, May 24. Our junior team won all three of their games, and our senior team won two of their games. Our students proudly and passionately represented Woodland Road. Well done to both of our teams!

Soccer Gala Day! 

Our young athletes dazzled the field with their remarkable skills and obvious sportsmanship. It was a day filled with incredible moments, where teamwork and fair play were the features of all our players. We should celebrate how our students represented our school in such a wonderful manner.


Photos to follow in our next issue!

Zone Cross Country

Well done to the 56 students who represented our school at the Campbelltown PSSA Zone Cross Country. You all did yourselves and our school proud!


Special shout out to Lucinda Lee, who placed 2nd in the 8/9 age group and Brayden Nelson who placed 10th in the 9-year age group.

Lucinda will progress onto the Sydney South West Cross Country!


A massive thank you to all parents and carers who helped on the day. We appreciated your help so very much!



On Wednesday 22nd May, our debaters competed in round 1 of the Premier’s Debating Challenge against Ruse Public School. They all tried their very best and came away with one win and one loss. They also got to meet Ruse’s resident alpacas. Congratulations Woodies, I can’t wait to see how you go in round 2!