Camps, Sport & Excursion Fund (CSEF)

The CSEF provides payments to assist eligible families to cover the costs of camps, sporting activities and excursions.
Payments are made directly to an eligible student’s school. Schools must use a CSEF payment only for the eligible student and not for that student’s siblings or any other student (except where the eligible student leaves the Victorian education system and there are remaining and unspent funds).
Some common examples of school-organised programs for which a CSEF payment may be used include:
- school camps/trips
- swimming and other school-organised sporting programs
- outdoor education programs
- excursions/incursions
- graduations.
The CSEF payment cannot be used towards:
- books
- stationery
- school uniforms
- before/after school care
- music lessons
- locker hire
- classroom and homework materials
- formals or debutant balls
- other expenses unrelated to camps, sports or excursions.
Please find attached the 2024 CSEF form for completion. We also have some printed copies in the office.
Please note: If your family has submitted a CSEF application previously, these details are rolled over and your child/ren will automatically receive the CSEF if nothing has changed. In the event there is a change and possibly no payment, we will be in touch to confirm the details and eligibility.
Any new applications, the school must sight the concession card to ensure details match. This can be shown at the office, or emailed.
Please contact the office wth any questions.