Vision for Learners
Year 10 - 11
Examinations for Year 10 and 11 students occur in Week 9 of this term (25-29 June), with Friday being a possible catch-up day.
This is an opportunity for some of those subjects with examinations at Stage 2 to allow students to practice sitting examinations. Students are encouraged to take a balanced view of examinations and see them as learning opportunities. They are one form of assessment that require a distinct set of skills.
For increased success these skills need to be practised.
Students are encouraged to start revision as soon as possible. One skill relied upon in examinations is recall of both information and processes. Moving information to the long-term memory is the best way to improve recall and allow more effective thinking under time pressures. This requires revisiting of information over a period of time. When information is moved into the long-term memory it frees space in the working memory to work through questions requiring application and analysis more efficiently. Other skills needed to be practised for examinations are time management, planning, problem solving and maintaining focus. All valuable skills outside of examinations as well.
As many of the examinations at Stage 2 are now electronic. Students in Year 10 and Year 11 will also sit electronic examinations where relevant.
This requires students to bring their laptop, charger (named) and wired head/earphones.
Year 10s please note that the Thursday of Examination Week is a Creating Careers Day. It is a compulsory school day and forms part of the PLP course.
The Year 10 and 11 Exam Timetable can be found here:
Year 12
Year 12 Examinations have been scheduled for 2-4 July. These are opportunities to practice sitting examinations as preparation for the examinations in November. They will be managed by an external invigilator, the same person who will be invigilating in November. Those subjects with electronic examinations will have the opportunity to practise in an online environment in this examination period as well.
May all Year 10-12 students aim to do their very best in the upcoming examinations. Doing your best is nothing to do with luck and all about the preparation. Plan your study, stick to your plans, complete revision booklets and guides and ask for support from others when you need it.
Plan your way to success!
The examination timetable for Year 10 and 11 is within this Anchor and will be sent separately to students.
The Year 12 timetable will be published in the coming weeks.
Sandra Barry
Director of Learning