Business Manager

Mr Hadyn Flynn, Business Manager

Term Two fees were emailed out on the 24th of April 2024.  Included on the invoice was the ability to pay your fees using BPAY, which is the preferred method of payment.


It is very important that fees are paid on time to ensure the delivery of quality programs and services for every student.


If you have any questions or queries about fees, please don’t hesitate to contact Pina on 4086 2500 or


Recently, I have been called on to conduct several enrolment interviews and I really enjoy the opportunity to meet future students and their families. 


I also gain an important insight into how great facilities are influential when choosing a secondary school as many potential students are impressed by our buildings, grounds and play areas. 


We are so blessed to have the natural beauty and modern built spaces within our campus. 

Kind Regards,


Hadyn Flynn | Business Manager