Assistant Principal

Religious Education

Ms Janai Sugars, Assistant Principal Religious Education

This term I have been privileged to witness the remarkable Year 12 students undertaking their service projects as part of the Catholic Faith in Action subject. Their commitment to serving others is a great example of carrying on the spirit of St Stephen in our lives today.


Visits to Mareeba Aged Care Facility

Six dedicated students have been visiting the Mareeba Aged Care Facility, spending quality time with the residents. They engage in heartfelt conversations, listen to their stories, and create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. Additionally, our talented musicians have been playing some of our Liturgy Band’s favourite hymns, bringing joy to the hearts of our elderly friends.

Mareeba Animal Refuge: A Labour of Love

Our students' love for animals shines through their visits to the Mareeba Animal Refuge. They roll up their sleeves, assisting with cleaning, walking, and caring for the dogs. Their dedication to these furry companions is a testament to their compassion and responsibility.


St Thomas of Villanova Parish School Collaboration

Our Year 12 students have extended their support to St Thomas of Villanova Parish School. They actively participate in various classes, including Physical Education, Library sessions, and even lend a hand in the Tuckshop. Their enthusiasm and willingness to contribute enrich the learning experiences of younger students. 

As we celebrate these service projects, let us remember the words of St Francis of Assisi: "Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary, use words." Our students have been embodying this spirit, demonstrating that faith in action is a powerful force for positive change.




Janai Sugars | Assistant Principal Religious Education