College Notices

Notices, Important Dates and Upcoming Events

St Stephen's Medal - Nominate Now!

Do you know someone who has contributed long-standing service and commitment to St Stephen’s Catholic College? Has this person demonstrated the values of faith, service and courage? If so, we invite you to nominate them for the St Stephen’s Medal! Completing the nomination process is quick and easy, so why not recognise the hard work and efforts of this special person?


Press the link below to access the nomination form.

Important Dates and Upcoming Events

Monday 20 May

Parents will be emailed a link to complete our 2024 Feedback Survey on Monday 20 May! We thank all parents for sharing valuable feedback.

Monday 20 May -  Friday 24 May

History Week Celebrations!

An exciting week of activities is planned to celebrate History Week, with Thursday being the highlight of this fun week.

Wednesday 22 May

State Futsal Championship


Friday 24 May

Vicki Wilson Netball Championships


Monday 27 May

AFL Queensland Schools Cup (Senior Boys)


Monday 27 May – Wednesday 29 May

Year 12 Retreat


Wednesday 29 May

Year 10 Immunisations


Thursday 30 May

Interschool Chess Competition


Friday 31 May

Year 10 Community Day


Wednesday 5 June

Year 7 and 8 Readers Cup


Wednesday 5 June – Friday 7 June

Year 11 Retreat


Saturday 8 June

Year 12 Formal


Thursday 20 June – Friday 21 June

Athletics Carnival


Friday 21 June

Term 2 Concludes

Lost Property 

Lost property is stored outside the Curriculum Office window.

Students are encouraged to check for, and collect, any lost property.

Celebrating Success!

Please inform the College if your child has achieved success in an extra-curricular activity not directly related to school, so that we can celebrate these achievements. Please email the principal ( with any information and photos.

Change of Details

Please keep us up to date with any changes to your contact details.


This can be done by email or phone:

4086 2500.


If your child is absent, please let us know through either:

Term Dates 2024

Term 1: 23 January to 28 March

Term 2: 15 April to 21 June

Term 3: 8 July to 13 September

Term 4: 30 September to 29 November

Term Dates 2025

Term 1: 29 January to 4 April

Term 2: 22 April to 27 June

Term 3: 14 July to 19 September

Term 4: 7 October to 28 November