Great Wheelbarrow Race

Our amazing SSCC Saints took out first place in the 'schools' category of the 2024 Great Wheelbarrow Race, also coming away as winners of the best dressed team and third place overall!


After months of planning, training and fundraising, the team set off on Friday 10 May, hobbling down the main street in their hospital costumes worn in recognition of their chosen charity - Mareeba Friends of the Hospital Foundation.

One of the students in the team, Henry Brammer, took some time to reflect on his experience, saying;


I recently had the privilege of participating in the 2024 Great Wheelbarrow Race. The incredible team that I was part of raced competitively and performed exceptionally well, scoring 1st place in the school category and 3rd overall. 


Such success is attributed in part to the massive support network behind us; Special thanks goes to Mrs Bale, Mrs Chiesa, Mrs Brammer, Mrs Bulst, Mr Schermer, Ms Petersen, and to all staff, family and friends that made this weekend run as smoothly as it did.


The 140 km trek from Mareeba to Chillagoe was completed in 7 hours and 23 minutes split between three days; the most gruelling being day two where the greatest distance was travelled. All this however was in support of the Mareeba Friends of the Hospital foundation for whom we raised a sum of over $8000. 


As Henry mentioned, the students' success was in part due to an amazing support network, including our families. We also have a special 'thank you' to Leah Leeds; without her expertise, our athletes' muscles, joints and recovery would have been much less supported.


The team also had the support of a large number of sponsors, and we gratefully acknowledge their contribution.


Our 2024 Sponsors were:

Mareeba Sheds and Gas
Outback Solar and Outdoors
Hart Sport
Villella Family
Serafini Family
Margaret and Ron Radcliffe
Lotsa Print and Signage
Betta Home Living
Northern Suppliers
Sugarworld Adventure Park 
Cairns Hardware
Mareeba Glass and Aluminium
Amaroo Medical
The Distributors
Big Pete's Plumbing
Far North Office Choice

FNQ Hot Water

RTM Bus Company

Getting ready and decorating the bus.

Day 1: the team made it to Dimbulah in record time for a St Stephen's team.

Day 2: on to Almaden ...

Day 3: Chillagoe!

Congratulations to all involved and we can't wait to do it again next year!


With thanks to the organisers of the Great Wheelbarrow Race for allowing us to publish some of their photographs in our newsletter.