Exploring the Wonders of Science

There is so much happening across our Science classes this Term, and there is never a dull moment as students explore a variety of aspects of this interesting subject.


Year 9 Enrichment Program

Students undertaking our Year 9 Enrichment Program have been learning about forensic investigation, including the practical skills of; collecting and analysing fingerprints and footprints, identifying unknown powders, and blood type testing.


The students were recently put to the test with a life-like crime scene, featuring a range of clues to be sifted through meticulously. The students collected evidence and photographed the scene carefully, before undertaking further investigations (interviewing suspects), analysing the evidence collected, and finally writing up their findings in a 1,000 word report.


The question still remains - 'who is guilty of this crime?' and we can't wait to find out!


Year 9 Brain Dissection

Hands on exploration can be one of the most fulfilling and meaningful ways to learn, and this was certainly the case when Year 9 Science students pulled on their gloves and carefully dissected a sheep brain.


The students were directed through the process carefully, taking care to make their cuts with gentle precision, while identifying various key parts of the organ.


Year 11 Aquatic Practices

Our Year 11 Aquatic Practices class has undertaken two fantastic excursions recently, experiencing fieldwork and putting theory into practice!


Early in the Term, they visited Hook-A-Barra at Wonga Beach. As part of the excursion, the students completed a tour of the farm, an observation of hand harvesting, a filleting demo, barra feeding, and the highlight of the day - fishing for barra!!


Throughout the experience, students developed skills to carry out fieldwork, including the selection and use of fishing gear, safe seafood preparation and handling techniques and preserving caught seafood.

The class then visited the Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre. As part of this experience, students took to the water, travelling in dinghies to venture into the riverways in the Holloways Beach area where they took part in assessing aquatic ecosystems, analysing water quality and catching mud crabs. 


The students enjoyed the opportunity to apply some of the concepts learnt in class to a real-life setting and we thank the staff at HBEEC for their expertise and support!