Principal's Report
This week we have been celebrating Education Week (although, I think it is Education Week every week at WEPS). Education Week is an annual celebration of education in Victoria. This year, Education Week runs from Monday 13 May to Friday 17 May. The theme, Spotlight on STEM, celebrating the importance of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in our everyday lives, in the classroom and beyond.
WEPS have celebrated Education Week by showcasing all things Science and Maths at our school, along with some special Science incursions (Ecolink) and excursions (Earth Ed Centre) for the grade 5/6 students and fun and interactive science lessons for students in foundation to grade 4.
We are extremely fortunate to offer Science as a specialist subject, and extend our students in their knowledge and understanding of Science through our Zookeepers program, Sustainability team, sessions with Deakin Science in addition to our weekly Science lessons for the whole school. We are excited to have 12 of our year 5 and 6 girls involved in Deakin Universities Gals in STEM project later this year and can’t wait to have everyone involved in our Family Science Night in term 3 - during National Science Week.
Behaviour Support Focus
Over the past week we have been focusing on taking a zero tolerance approach when students react to a problem with physical behaviour. We have discussed this with all students and made our school expectations very clear. Teachers are working on alternative responses through weekly THRIVE sessions, as well as daily review of expected behaviours at school. We always appreciate follow discussions at home.
Student Voice Team
I am delighted to announce or inaugural Student Voice Team, School Captains – Addi, Nick, Olive and Danny, grade 3 – Zyra, grade 4 – Olive and Bella, Grade 5 – Adele and Arlie. The Student Voice Team reps had their first meeting on Monday and established their first focus area to work on for the term. They will provide updates through the LINK on how they are progressing – watch this space!
Student Feedback
All students in foundation to grade 6 have just completed the PIVOT surveys. The PIVOT survey is a feedback tool we have introduced this year to provide students with a formal platform for giving their teacher feedback on their teaching and classroom support. I thank all our teachers who contribute to our open to learning culture at WEPS by being open to their development through the lens of their students. The teachers are in the process of evaluating their personal feedback then team feedback and will report back to their students with an outline of adjustments to enhance improvements.
On Tuesday night our School Council met. At this meeting we;
- passed our confirmed annual budget
- dedicated time to a school walk through to show buildings requiring works and explain how children use learning spaces
- discussed school promotional material and review of media/photo permissions
- celebrated the launch of the new website and handbook for parents
- consulted on the following policies – Communication, Yard Duty and Complaints.
Please note the policies have been attached to this version of the LINK for consultation with the school community. Please send any queries to by COB Thursday 23rd May.
- Communication
- Yard Duty
- Complaints
Buildings and Grounds update
Ms Gleeson's class is still working in the grade ½ area, as we wait for works to take place to insert 2 walls in the middle classroom located in the ¾ learning community. We are loving the new undercover area, with sky lights inserted for more light.
Thank you again to all parents for supporting our annual Art Show. We are pleased to report we raised;
Art Show BBQ - $711
Art Show Cake Stall - $625.60
Total $1 3336.60
Funds will be allocated to our school grounds maintenance and improvement plan (plan is currently in progress and will be shared with the school community once established).