Jeremy Mackinnon

Assistant Principal

Dear Parents and Students,


Student Events


Term Two has had many highlights so far. There have been several sporting events, including our whole school Athletics Carnival. Our Aths Carnival was a fantastic demonstration of what our school is all about… everyone getting involved and giving it a go! We had so many competitors participating to gain house points, try something new and push their abilities to new limits. However, my most fantastic observation was the spirit of competition beautifully intertwined with collegiality. The "JMSS Way" was displayed, demonstrating that our school culture is alive and well.


Another highlight was our Science Exhibition Night, where our Year 10 students demonstrated what they had learned in our elective science program. This event had well over 1000 attendees, our biggest yet, and had the most incredible energy - our students enthusiastically talking to guests about exciting scientific concepts. It gives me great expectations for our November Australian Science Fair! I encourage all members of our community to come and visit the students later in the year.


Student Absences


We received a message from the Department of Education that COVID cases are rising again. I encourage all our staff and students to practice good hygiene and to be sensible about their attendance. If staff or students are sick, the best thing for them is to rest and recover, which will help speed up their recovery and ensure the health of other members of our community. 


Our Co-curricular Program is well into Trimester Two. The feedback from our Trimester One was very positive. I want to remind students and parents that attendance for this program is expected. The program will be paused over the next few weeks and resume in Week 1 of Term 3. 


Instead of the Co-curricular Program, the following will occur;



This year, JMSS will provide more guidance and support to students towards the mid-year assessment period. With fewer students doing assessments before coming to the school, investing time into students to prepare for a jam-packed assessment period is sensible. Therefore, 'Tips for Thriving the Exam Season' will run on two Wednesday afternoons (29th May and 5th June). These afternoons will involve workshops, study skills, exam information, subject revision sessions and some private study time. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for workshops and revision sessions to prepare themselves optimally. Some workshops are practical tips about revision, while others focus on managing stress or minimising digital distractions. We believe there's something for everyone!




High academic students can have heightened emotions at peak assessment times. I encourage students to reach out if they need support from our Wellbeing Team or parents to reach out if they see that their child is not thriving - email


Finally, I'd like to promote our major student fundraiser for the year - The World's Greatest Shave. This student-led initiative started in 2022 and has been hugely successful over the last two years. Last year, the school raised over $22K. Each year, students (and staff) shave, cut or colour their hair to fund blood cancer research and support. It is an excellent occasion to demonstrate community spirit and support a worthy cause. We aim to raise $20K again this year and are currently around $8.5K. 


The event will take on 31st May. 

I encourage you to support the fundraiser by donating; Link Here World's Greatese Shave Donations


Jeremy Mackinnon

Assistant Principal