Key Dates & Updates

Term 2 - 2024*


Saturday, 25th May - Year 11 Edutest Exam

24 May – 2 June  - Japan Exchange

11 – 14 June  - SAC & Exam Week

Saturday, 15 June - Edutest Exam Y10

Tuesday, 18 June - GAT

Wednesday, 19 June - Year 10 Science Immersion Day

Wednesday, 19 June - Yr 10 & 11 Formal

21 – 28 June 2024 - Reef & Rainforest Group A

24 – 28 June  - Work Experience Week

Friday, 28 June - End of Term 2

29 June – 14 July - School Holidays

Monday, 15 July - Start of Term 3

Tuesday, 16 July - Harmony Day

Thursday, 18 July - 11-12 Information Night

29 – 30 July - Year 11-12 Course Counselling

5 – 6 August - Y10 into Y11 Course Counselling





*Please keep an eye on Compass for any last minute changes to these dates and for more events.


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JMSS Website -

Email -

Facebook -@johnmonashscienceschool

Twitter - @johnmonash

Linkedin - > john-monash-science-school

Emerging Sciences Victoria -

Regional Exchange Program
