Year 2 Team

Year 2 Newsletter! 


What a fun and busy term we have had so far in Year Two! From excursions to hands-on projects, our Year 2 students have been buzzing with enthusiasm and curiosity. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to:


Excursion to Puffing Billy

Our recent excursion to Puffing Billy was a delightful journey back in time. The children loved riding the historic steam train through the scenic Dandenong Ranges, learning about its history, and experiencing the joy of train travel. It was a day filled with wonder and adventure!

Narrative Writing

Our budding authors have been hard at work crafting imaginative stories. They've been exploring narrative structure, developing characters, and creating exciting plots. The creativity and enthusiasm they’ve shown in their writing is truly inspiring!


Measurement Unit: Potato Olympics

Our measurement unit was a hit with the Potato Olympics! Students participated in various events, measuring distances and times. It was a fun and practical way to understand concepts like length. 


STEM Open Morning

Our STEM Open Morning was a fantastic success! Activities included creating bubbles, using ShowMe for interactive learning, and building mangonels. It was wonderful to see so many parents engaging with their children in these exciting STEM activities.


We are incredibly proud of all the hard work and enthusiasm our Year 2 students have shown. Thank you for your continued support, and we look forward to more exciting learning adventures ahead!



Kaitlyn Burke, Mykaelah Thorne, Amanda Vigilanti, Maria Hughes

Year 2 Teaching Team