Whole School Activities

Athletics Carnival

We hope you enjoy these photos from our carnival, we had a successful day and it was lovely to see so many smiling faces!

CPR and Emergency Care Training

Students in Upper Division once again participated in our annual CPR and emergency care training. The sessions are conducted by Surf Life Saving Australia and provide students with some skills in managing an emergency, including first aid, if they are ever in such a situation. 

Grip Leaders Conference

Report from Year 6:

On Monday 13th May Yr 6 took part in a Grip Leadership workshop in Armidale. We participated in a large range of activities including “The Loud Noise Boys” One of the games we did was Head or Hips where we were asked a range of questions & we had to either answer by putting our hands on our hips or our head.

We learnt how to be a good leader by sharing ideas on how to make our school a better place with other students from different schools. We learnt how good leaders need to make sacrifices by watching a small roleplay about student leaders at their sports carnival.

We got to ask questions & get them answered before we left. We mixed with close to 300 students from different schools across the region. Overall it was a fun day, we enjoyed all the activities, we enjoyed the lessons & we enjoyed mixing with students from other schools.

STEM Lessons

This year Upper and Lower Division have been fortunate enought to have Brendon Jacobs from the University of New England visit and guide us through some very interesting and engaging STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) activities on alternate Monday afternoons.


This week Lower Division worked using a Tangram, which is a Chinese puzzle where a square is divided into seven shapes. We then used those shapes to make a range of other 2D shapes like triangles, trapeziums and parallelograms which was both challenging and rewarding for us.


National Similtaneous Story Time

Upper and Lower Division participated in National Similtaneous Story Time earlier today, where over 2.3 million students from all over the country read "Bowerbord Blues" by Aura Parker.

Both classes participated in a range of activites related to the book where we learned a lot about Bowerbirds, their environment and how special they are.