From the Assistant Principal Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing

Mr. Jason Puttnins

Lacrosse Carnival - Friday 24th May

On Friday, students in Years 3 to 6 represented our school at the SACPSSA Lacrosse Carnival. A mixture of boys and girls participated in their respective divisions. St Brigid’s had a really successful day winning a number of matches throughout the carnival. Ali Alaubodi, Rianna Drokshan, Elyas Ahmadi, Wasil Ali and Audrey Bolbol were the standout performers for their sides, showing excellent skill and fitness. 


It was pleasing to see such fantastic participation and sportsmanship from our students. Thank you to Mrs Day, Mr Nathan and Mrs Mara for their help and support on the day. I look forward to the remaining carnivals throughout the year.

Nick Hrisafinas

Physical Education



Wellbeing at St Brigid's School


Your child’s wellbeing is a priority for every member of the St Brigid’s School community. As the Assistant Principal in Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing, I have the privilege working with every staff member ensuring your child’s emotional and physical wellbeing are at the forefront. 


As you may know, we also have dedicated Wellbeing staff – Our school Chaplain, Anthony Elmassih; and Wellbeing Officer, Chelsea Foster; However we promote a whole-school approach regarding the nurturing of every child’s social and emotional needs.


As depicted in the flowchart below, if your child requires support with their wellbeing, the first person they should seek assistance from is their classroom teacher. If patterns or trends are noticed, then the concern is raised with our Wellbeing Team who can organise check-ins, group-based social/emotional focuses, personal skill growth activities, and interventions.


Mr Anthony is a Pastoral Care worker and Curriculum ESO at St Brigid’s School, a role he has been in since 2021. During his time at St Brigid’s, the importance and focus on student well-being has grown rapidly. We strives to provide compassion, understanding and support to our community as a whole and as individuals. 

At St Brigid’s, his role is providing:

  • Well-being check ins. 
  • Group and individual support sessions. 
  • Support programs (i.e. Senior School transition.)
  • Student mentoring. 
  • Behavioural intervention/support. 



Chelsea works as the Wellbeing Officer at St Brigid’s School. She has previously completed a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Counselling, and has been part of the St Brigid’s School community since 2022. She is passionate about increasing the wellbeing, and independent social and emotional skills of our community.


At St Brigid’s we offer a range of targeted, focused intervention programs individually created to the needs of our students. These include: social and emotional learning groups, self-esteem groups, self-regulation groups etc. We also offer 1:1 behavioural and wellbeing intervention programs. 


Working alongside your child’s classroom teacher, the dedicated Wellbeing staff, and all other staff members of our school, your child will be able to seek support from a variety of people in the community. 


Please feel free to say hello to Mr Anthony who can be seen running breakfast club in the canteen every morning, or Miss Chelsea who conducts morning check-ins in the courtyard. Alternatively, please speak with your child’s classroom teacher, or any of our front office staff and Leadership. 


We also have a Wellbeing focused email, if you would like to highlight any concerns you may have about your child’s social and emotional needs.


Yours in Love, Peace and Learning,


Jason Puttnins


Assistant Principal: Innovation, Inclusion and Wellbeing