Religious Education

Project Compassion

We are thrilled to announce that Project Compassion 2024 has raised an astounding $9.7 million to help vulnerable communities globally. Our school has played a vital role in fostering hope, standing in solidarity and acting as a beacon of hope, for all future generations to come. Thank you to all students, staff and families who donated earlier this year and to our social justice captains for promoting this initiative.

Important R.E. Dates for Term 3

Wednesday July 31st: Reconciliation available for Grade 4 during school time

Tuesday August 13th 8.45am-3.15pm: Confirmation Retreat Day

Thursday August 15th @ 9:15am: Feast of the Assumption Mass

Tuesday August 20th: Reconciliation available for Grade 6 during school time

Thursday August 22nd: Reconciliation available for Grade 6 during school time

Tuesday August 20th @ 3.30 - 4.30pm: Confirmation Family Faith Sharing Afternoon

Wednesday August 21st: Bishop Ireland visits Confirmation students during school time

Tuesday August 27th @ 9:15am: Father’s Day Mass

Friday August 30th @ 5pm: Sacrament of Confirmation Mass


John 6:24–35

Jesus teaches the crowds that he is the “bread of life.”


Unpacking the Scriptures

The Gospel of John this Sunday comes immediately after the crowds have been fed by the miracle of two loaves and five fish. They now continue to follow Jesus to Capernaum, full of more questions.


In his answers to them, Jesus points out that they should be seeking him not just for food and miracles, but because he can give them eternal life. In their dialogue, the crowd reveals their misunderstanding about Jesus’ true identity. After feeding five thousand people with two loaves and five fish, they still ask for a sign!


Their understanding of the previous sign is that it came from Moses, an old prophet who many years ago fed their anscestors bread from God, called manna, in the desert when they were hungry. They believe Jesus to be another prophet - a messenger of God. But Jesus is more than that, he is God! Jesus tells them he is the ‘Bread of Life’ who will satisfy their spiritual hunger and lead them towards eternal life.


Family Connection

As you gather as a family, discuss how easily the crowd didn't recognise the amazing sign Jesus had given them. Sometimes we too can forget what God has done for us and not notice the wonderful blessings we have. At St Patrick's gratitude is a main focus for our wellbeing learning because we know the power it can have in our lives and those around us. Take a moment to reflect on and share with one another all the beautiful things we have received in our lives and from one another that we can give thanks and praise to God for.


Gather together, light a candle and acknowledge that you are in the presence of God in a moment of silence. Read the Gospel John 6:24–35. As a family acknowledge it is important to stop to count our blessings because we can easily miss recognising all of the wonderful things that God does for us. Thank Jesus for the gift of eternal life and the Eucharist that feeds us on that journey to heaven. Pray together a prayer of thanks.


Heavenly Father, 

We thank you for your faithfulness and never-ending love. Help us to be always faithful. You are concerned with everything that concerns us. Help us to be concerned for one another always. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that comforts us during times of fear and doubt. Help us to comfort those around us in need. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for us; seen and unseen. Help us to remember to praise your name, forever!  

We ask this through Christ Our Lord, 



God bless,


India Mitchell-Fletcher

Religious Education Leader