Student Wellbeing News

Welcome to term 3 and I hope that everyone used the break time to their advantage and are ready for the challenges of what is normally a busy term for students and staff alike.
Studies identify that when we feel positive emotions, we perform better, develop stronger relationships, and have better self- regulation. We are more aware of the world around us, accept challenges with enthusiasm and we feel engaged in our activities. This sense of achievement helps build self-esteem and provides a sense of accomplishment which furthermore enhances our overall feeling of wellbeing. Therefore, we can see a correlation between happiness and wellbeing.
Wellbeing itself is a holistic state of contentment, it is the state of “being well” including our mind, body and spirit whereas “happiness” is different. We think of “happiness” as something we have all experienced but it is a transient state influenced by many different aspects or adverse events in our day-to-day life. Our level of happiness can change but it is our ability to overcome obstacles and how we react which we identify and refer to as resilience.
This term the “Year 11 Wellbeing Committee” will be focusing their activities on creating opportunities for individuals to increase their resilience and general wellbeing. Their activities will incorporate simple tips to improve resilience including~
- Getting connected. Building strong, healthy relationships both at school and with family and friends who can provide support and help in good and bad times.
- Making every day have meaning. Progress is progress, even if the achievement may seem small.
- Learning from the past. There are no mistakes just opportunities for learning.
- Staying hopeful. Every day is a new day.
- Taking care of yourself; mind, body and spirit.
- Taking action and making changes to improve your current situation.
This week the committee launched their activity “Wellness Wednesday” which will be held each week and culminate in acknowledging and celebrating “R U Ok Day” on 12th Sept. The concept is simple. During homeroom each Wednesday the committee will share via the sound system, an affirmation or words of encouragement to start a conversation about positive well-being within homerooms. They will also acknowledge individual and group activities that are going on in our school and give “shout outs” to teams that are representing our school in either sporting or other extra-curricular activities; a simple gesture known as a “bucket filler” to improve the recipient’s self-esteem and demonstrate a common courtesy of being kind to others. Imagine a world where we all perform one simple act of kindness to another each and every day!!!
Whilst the committee provided the affirmation for this week “Hard to ask, harder to stay silent” they have challenged each year group to provide suggestions that will be used for the following week, commencing with our current year 7 students. This activity provides the opportunity for all students across the school to be part of an active conversation and support wellbeing. Whilst only one affirmation will be selected from the announcement all submissions will be displayed on our “Wellness Wednesday” window located at the entry to the L block.
The committee are to be congratulated for this initiative and ensuring that the activity provides the opportunity for everyone to participate. This reflects the MCC ethos that “Everyone Belongs”. More information and updates will be included in future newsletters as well as the plans for their future events.
Finally, I would like to acknowledge all our MCC First Nations students, their families and staff this week as MCC hold their NAIDOC celebration. It is particularly exciting to welcome back former student Jacinta Simpson as a guest speaker who will speak at the assembly sharing her story. In addition, I would also like to congratulate Shamia Williams (current Yr 11) who was recently acknowledged for her contribution to the wider Griffith community at the recent inaugural "Griffith Community NAIDOC Youth Awards". Both these young women have a very bright future ahead of them and it is exciting to follow their journey.
Have a wonderful week and let’s look forward to longer days, more sunshine and hints of the first signs of spring.
Regards Sue Hone
Student Wellbeing Support Officer