Leader of Curriculum

With Mr John Seers

Year 8 into 9 Elective Choices

On Tuesday 6th August I will be meeting with all Year 8 students to discuss their transition from stage 4 to stage 5. When entering stage 5, students have the option to select two elective courses. In this session I will be discussing the key considerations when choosing elective courses and the ROSA requirements to successfully complete stage 5 schooling at Marian.


To further help the students with their decision, KLA leaders will be running information sessions promoting the electives offered in their KLA. These sessions will run for two periods on Wednesday 7th August.

All the above information, has been provided in a website that students/parents/carers can access on the Marian Portal. 


Year 9 2025 Elective Form will be due electronically and hard copy to the office on Monday 12th August.

Year 10 into 11 Subject Selections

On Thursday 1st August at 5.30 pm in the College Hall, Marian will be holding an Information Night for all students/parents/guardians of Year 10 on NESA Requirements and Marian Procedures around Stage 6 Subject Selection for Year 11 2025. The night will also allow students/parents/guardians an opportunity to discuss HSC courses, TVET and SBAT pathways with KLA coordinators, VET and TVET representatives.


On Friday 9th August students will then be engaged for the full hour on the topics of; Decision Making, NESA Requirements, Types of Courses on offer, the ATAR, All My Own Work, Minimum Standards, Major Works, Extension Courses and the different Pathways students can take in stage 6.

Students then have the opportunity to visit each KLA to discuss courses and requirements with the coordinator or senior staff member in the KLA at our Subject Fair. Students will also be required to complete a workbook covering common questions and important points from the day. Students can then refer back to this as a further resource. 

All the above information, has been provided in a website that students/parents/carers can access on the Marian Portal 


The portal gives all students / parents / carers access to the Stage 6 Curriculum Handbook, Curriculum Information, Interview Bookings and a video of each course offered at Marian. Offering the following drop down menus: 


It is now important that students / parents / carers utilise this site to help inform their decision on courses for 2025.

Below is a timetable of the process now in place to help students in term 3.


9 August

Information Session 

Subject Fair 

The Leader of Curriculum and the Pastoral Coordinator meet with Yr 10 to walk through the process for subject selection for the 2026 Higher School Certificate and give an overview of all possible choices.

Students can then access the Subject Selection Webpage, where KLA Coordinators have presented their relevant subjects, outlining the requirements and the structure, content and kinds of assessment tasks involved.

1st – 16th August


Parent Information

All parents and students are invited to access the information on the portal (stage 6) regarding NESA requirements, course specific information, VET and the process. 

Information will also be given about TAFE courses and the possibility of ‘school-based apprenticeships’. KLA Coordinators will be available to answer questions from students at the college.

Friday 16th August


Interview Day

Students and their parents MUST make a booking on-line via a link on the Subject Selection Webpage. for a 20 minute interview with a Coordinator to discuss their subject selections, check requirements and answer any questions.

Year 10 students do not attend school on this day.



19th August

Final date for subject selections

All students intending to continue at Marian need to have their subject selection forms completed and returned to the Office by 11.00am.
Week 7 - 9Subjects are allocated to ‘lines’ (groupings of subjects) based on student choice. Interviews with some students may follow.

I look forward to helping year 10 students with this important next step in their schooling and meeting a number of parents / carers on Friday 16th August.



Mr John Seers