Academic Activities

Year 9 Students’ Holocaust Excursion:

Interacting with Survivors and Artefacts at the Melbourne Holocaust Museum


In an unforgettable educational experience, Year 9 students embarked on a journey through history as they delved deep into the Holocaust at The Melbourne Holocaust Museum in Elsternwick. The excursion made all the more impactful by the presence of Holocaust survivors, who offered a profound understanding of this dark period in human history.


Year 9 students did us incredibly proud by actively engaging with the survivors, asking insightful questions, and showing a deep empathy for their stories. These interactions fostered a profound connection between the generations.

Students had the opportunity to engage in interactive learning with historical artefacts from the Holocaust era, transforming classroom knowledge into a tangible experience. Artefacts included photographs that captured moments of resilience and sorrow, bread cards that symbolized sustenance amid adversity, and a layout of the hidden houses where Jewish people sought refuge from persecution. The presence of fake IDs used to protect identities and authentic Jewish passports added layers of understanding to the struggles faced by Holocaust victims.



The Year 9 English and Literacy classes played an integral role in preparing students for this excursion as they are reading ‘Hana’s Suitcase’ by Karen Levine, of which explores the context of the Holocaust. They engaged in pre-learning activities that explored the historical context of the Holocaust, the literature written during that period, and the power of storytelling. This preparation enriched the students' understanding and enabled them to ask thoughtful questions during the museum visit.

This immersive experience allowed Year 9 students to connect with history in a profound way, promoting empathy, historical literacy, and an unwavering commitment to remembering the Holocaust. It served as a powerful reminder of the importance of bearing witness to history's darkest moments, ensuring that such atrocities are never repeated. The Melbourne Holocaust Museum excursion will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on our students, inspiring them to champion tolerance, compassion, and social justice. 

Year 12 EAL Excursion


The Year 12 EAL students embarked on an exciting excursion that blended history with theatre to assist in their Creative and Text Response Units. Students attended the Immigration Museum, where they delved into Australia's immigration history. Exhibits showcasing the diverse cultural backgrounds of Australia's population provided a unique and personal connection for many students, who found their own heritages represented and celebrated.


The museum's interactive displays and detailed accounts of the immigration process offered valuable insights, fostering a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs faced by those who journeyed to make Australia their home. This visit will help students as they prepare to write on their own personal journeys in the end of year exam.


The afternoon was spent in the world of theatre, as students attended a performance of the acclaimed musical "Sunset Boulevard." This experience was particularly enriching as it complemented their current studies of the film. The captivating performances, stunning set design, and emotive score had students on the edge of their seats. Some even remarked that the show was so enthralling, they forgot they were watching a performance! A special highlight was the opportunity to meet the cast after the show.


“They made it look like an actual movie which was why I was shocked and excited.”

“I didn’t know they were actually singing. I thought it was pre-recorded”

“It’s so good I forgot it wasn’t real”