Staff Vs Students

Staff vs Student HPE Week - Netball


In honour of P.E. Week, we arranged yet another staff vs students’ competition on Tuesday, 30th July, taking place at lunchtime. This time, it was a netball match consisting of determined teachers like Mr. Hare, Ms. Raynes, Ms. Porter, and even more strong-minded students like Esther, Tina, Levy, Daniel, Toefiliga, Jakim, Ej and many more.


From the start, the competition was fierce. The teachers, led by Mr. Hare’s strategic plays and Ms. Raynes’ precise shooting, quickly showed their experience and teamwork. However, the students were not to be underestimated. Esther and Tina showcased incredible coordination and agility, setting up perfect opportunities for Levy and Daniel to intercept and pass the ball. Throughout the first half, the teachers demonstrated strong defense, with Ms. Porter’s impressive blocking keeping the students at bay. Toefiliga’s quick passes and Levy’s relentless energy were highlights for the students, but the teachers’ well-coordinated strategies and experience shone through, allowing them to maintain control of the game. Despite their best efforts, the students struggled to break through the teachers' defense. The students attempt to score were consistently stopped by Mr. Hare’s strategic positioning and Ms. Raynes’ quick reflexes. The teachers' teamwork and skill were undeniable, as they steadily increased their lead.


The final score was a decisive 10-0, with the teachers claiming a clear victory. Despite the loss, the students displayed incredible skill, sportsmanship, and determination. The crowd cheered loudly for both teams, celebrating the spirit of competition and harmony. Well done to both the teachers and the students for an exciting and memorable netball match! We look forward to the next staff vs students’ event in week 5, where the year 12 students are already planning their comeback!!




Staff vs Student Science Week - Pin the organ on the body!


To kick of science week at HPSC, the year 12’s and staff competed in their first (out of two) science week competition, this one specialising in biology. This competition was pin the tail on the donkey with a little twist where donkey become body and tail became organs! With face masks as blind folds and many twists and turns, this staff vs. students was reliant on trust and knowledge for all those playing. With lungs being first up on the list, those blindfolded spun three times and made way towards the empty body. The students started of strong, placing the lungs in place beautifully, whilst the staff put the lungs a far bit too the right. This helped the students lead the way, placing the organs much more accurately than the teachers, though there were a few hiccups with misinterpreting the organs and almost placing the intestines on the door window! The staff were strong with organ identifying but fell short with placing, creating a body where all organs were smooched on the right! With lots of yelling and falling of body parts (due to weak blue tack) the students (undeniably, without a doubt) won the first science week competition!!!!!






Staff vs Student Science Week - Guess that Smell!


As a part of celebrating science week, on August 15th the year 12 students versed the staff in a ‘guess the smell’ challenge. The aim of the game was to correctly identify as many mystery scents as they could and beat the other team. These mystery scents ranged from obvious smelling everyday items to more peculiar smelling substances. With only their noses as their guides, the teachers and students were often seen either in complete excitement once realising they knew exactly what the smell was or walking away in utter confusion trying to figure out what in the world they had just smelt. Overall, the challenge ended with the staff taking over the game with 10 correct smells out of 20, whilst the year 12’s only managed to get 7. Although everyone didn’t get to win, well done to all the year 12 students and staff that participated!