
We are incredibly excited to announce that Orchard Park has begun a Buddy Program. Last week the Year 5/6s came down to the Prep Learning Community and the students were introduced to their very own buddy. We learnt that a buddy was a special person who could help us, keep us safe and be our friend. We spent our first session getting to know our buddy, learning about their favourite foods, favourite activities and they even taught us some cool tricks like bubble writing and drawing the ‘Cool S’ symbol. We have lots of exciting crafts, stories and fun to be had during our weekly sessions!
100 days of Prep:
On Tuesday the 30th of July, our fabulous Prep students are celebrating their 100 days of Prep! We will be celebrating this joyous event with a morning parade where we can showcase our old age, receive our hundred days of school certificates and celebrate in style alongside our buddies. During the day we will be investigating what 100 items look like in Maths and predicting what we will be doing when we grow up! We’ll end the day with a dance party and a story commemorating this special occasion.
All our Preps have been writing each week about their weekend or a sentence they wish to record. They are showing some fantastic phonemic awareness where they are transferring their knowledge of letters sounds to create words.
In Inquiry, students are exploring our community and learning about the various jobs people do.
In Maths, students have been building their capacity by working with numbers up to 20. They have worked hard to perfect their number formation and explored all the different ways they can show 20 using resources in the classroom.
Prep Team:
Kathy Barley, Katie Koulouris and Jess Bunker