Wildlife Garden On The Way
You may have noticed some changes happening in the northern side of the school recently. We just finished stage one of the Wildlife Garden Project: weeding and pulling out all the “malos” or mallows.I had so much support from incredible people to tackle this massive task! The parents and families who came to the weeding day, the people pulling weeds during the week, and the kids from the gardening club who joined me on Thursday! What a fantastic team effort!
Now we are ready to enter stage two: mulching.In the next couple of days we will start receiving the mulch. A lot of mulch. A big pile of mulch. A big pile of asbestos free certified mulch.
And here is where your super powers and skills are required!From Monday 5th to Friday 9th of August we are running a wheelbarrow competition.
There will be prizes for all the participants, with special prizes for the top 3 people with the most wheelbarrow runs!
Come at your time of convenience (drop off or pick up) and load a wheelbarrow with mulch, take a selfie and spread the mulch around! It is that easy!
Any questions, look for Agus :)