
It’s always a fun one at Newlands! Our Athletics Day was another massive success with lots of laughs, chants and ribbons. We want to thank all the students, teachers and parents for attending this great day. A big thank you to Raul for organising the event and making it such a fun way to end the week. The day was made even better with our Foundation students dressed up as Olympians. Happy 100 days of school! Only 1,300 to go!



I had the chance to read ‘Chip’ the seagull to the F/C class on Thursday morning and talk about how awesome hot chips are. During circle time, we all learnt about everyone’s favourite food and all the ones they did not like. Harriet shared her disgust of fennel, Sophia shared her dislike of mushrooms and there was a lot of awful gross noises about mash potato (a little odd). We then talked about how we made ourselves eat the foods we don’t like and some pretty good strategies to avoid eating their foods. Circle Time is a safe space, but some of the ways to avoid the foods they dislike the most was pretty impressive. 



I jumped into the 1/2 class and they were making Spanish letter books. Sienna showed me her ‘y ' (i griega)’ book and read it perfectly showing me how to sound out each syllable. Before Sienna had time to finish Billie showed me her ‘ll’ (ja sound) letter book. Billie told me she loves the books because “They are fun, we learn a lot and get to read them out aloud”. Rob’s class looked fantastic during the builders component of our instructional model with students working in groups on different activities, while he worked on the floor with Felix & Valerie working on some multi-syllable work and checking for comprehension. 



I worked with Oliver whose ability to solve addition problems mentally was impressive. He confidently solved addition problems with one and two digit numbers as well as two and three digit numbers.  We spoke about the need to understand vertical addition as when we add numbers in the thousands and beyond it becomes more difficult. Oliver quickly understood the vertical addition process so easily, as he was able to focus on building his knowledge of the process and not getting stuck in having to count each part of the problem. This is just another reason why knowing your number facts is so crucial to building numeracy understanding.  




Today I sat with Mia and Adam as we learnt about Lake Eyre. After reading a piece of text and developing our vocabulary, the 5/6s used the writing revolution writing prompts of ‘because, but and so’ to show their understanding of the text as well as improve the quality of their sentences. 


Lake Eyre is a natural wonder because it has an abundance of flora and fauna which fills the lake and it is surrounded by waterbirds, fish and blankets of wildflowers. (Adam)

Lake Eyre is a natural wonder because most of the time it is a dry bit of land, but once every few years it turns into an amazing oasis with pink and orange hues.  (Alfie)

Lake Eyre is a natural wonder but the true beauty of the place only happens every few years. (Mia)

Lake Eyre is a natural wonder so it is important to protect it, so many people can continue to travel to see its natural beauty. (Wesley)


Building Update

The famous stream that leaks onto the Murphy street footpath is still being investigated. Unfortunately, the whole process is being reassessed again. We wish we could provide you with a timeline, but until then please know that the outside fences will not be removed until this is completed. 


Weeding Bee

A big thank you to the families who came down on Sunday during the rain as we prepare for an exciting new garden area near the veggie patch. This is going to be an incredible area for students to play and relax in a natural environment. Angus & the wild team are doing everything they can to have this organised and ready for our upcoming planting day. There are piles of mulch that have been delivered and need your support in being transported. The fun continues this SUNDAY! If you are free please come on down!


Newlands Fantasy Football…

We are inviting anyone that loves all things NFL to join the Newlands Fantasy Football league. Last year was a massive success regardless of who won. While we are unsure how Abner was victorious last season, it does prove that anyone can get can lucky! So if you are interested in some harmless fun or would like some more information, please contact Luke, Greg or Abner for more information.  


Have a fantastic weekend!

Thanks, Luke