Newlands in a Nutshell

Here is a snapshot of the important things you don't want to miss in this newsletter! Be sure to read for a more comprehensive rundown of all things happening in Newlands.

  • Weeding Bee
    • Planting day this Sunday 4th of August
  • Book Week Parade
    • Friday the 23rd of August
    • Dress up as your favourite book character!
  • The Boite School Choir
  • STEAM Donations 
    • Raema is still accepting tin cans, tissue boxes, plastic bottles and paper towel rolls (not toilet paper rolls). Please drop off any donations to the STEAM room.
  • 3/4s Excursion 
    • Nature Connection Orienteering Excursion coming up. Next Tuesday and the following Tuesday.
  • PFA Casual Parent Morning Tea
    • Tuesday 20th August, 9am - 10am in the Staff Room
    • Friday 6th September, 9am - 10am in the Staff Room
  • Spanish Movie Night 
    • 'Ocho Apellidos Vascos' Free Movie Night on the 14th August at 6:30 PM
  • Newlands Whole-School Production - Un Viaje Mágico: A Tale of Spanish Wonders
    • Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th of September at the Darebin Arts Centre at 7 pm.
    • Dress Rehearsals - Tuesday 3rd or September OR Wednesday 4th of September
    • Please read 'School Concert Update' for a run down of updated information