This Week At OOPS

On Tuesday the Preps celebrated their 100th day of school with the theme '100 Days Brighter'. There were so many fantastic bright outfits (including dyed hair!) and everyone brought in 100 items to show the class during our morning yarning circle. We spoke about how different 100 things can look depending on their size, the containers they are in, and even their shape and colour. 


The rest of the day was a collection of fun activities surrounding the number 100 including building challenges using 100 items, creating animals and characters out of the number 100, completing 100 reps of a physical activity with our Grade 6 buddies, and even popping 100 bubbles! The day finished off with a glow stick dance party where we played lots of games and boogied all the way until that final home time bell. 



2AT and 1/2GA students worked together to create some posters of encouragement for Olympians around the world. Messages of persistence, trying your best and working as a team stood out for students, and it was wonderful to see them sharing their excitement for the Olympic Games!


Our Year 1s enjoyed some partner reading in the sunshine today.