What's happening in Wellbeing . . .

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program continues to run throughout the year. This term work on unit 8 'Positive Gender Relations' will begin in all year levels. Some of the learning activities in this topic are designed to help students to identify and practice respectful and gender friendly behaviours, and to develop and practice assertive and help seeking strategies to protect themselves when they feel unsafe in situations involving gender based violence.
If you wish to view these lessons, please use this link: https://arc.educationapps.vic.gov.au/learning/sites/respectful-relationships
Peaceful Kids
The new round of the Peaceful Kids program has started this week. Kim and Julie will be working with some of the year 3 and 4 students for the next 8 weeks in the Wellbeing room. We are looking forward to working with the year 3/4 students and hope they enjoy the program as much as the 1/2 students did.
Below are a few pictures from our 'outdoor classroom' of some year 1/2 Peaceful Kids making worry boxes last term on a beautiful sunny day.