Community Events:

Carina Garland - member for Chisholm is holding a Christmas Colouring Competition.  Our school have been invited to participate.  Students may be asked during Term 4 to draw a picture or complete some artwork that shows what Christmas means to them!


Dear Principal,


I am delighted to invite all the Primary Schools in the Chisholm electorate to participate in my Christmas art competition.


I am asking students to create artwork that responds to the question, “What does Christmas mean to you?” 


The artwork can be scanned and sent to me at or delivered to my office at 257 Blackburn Road, Mount Waverley. Please send the artwork by the 22nd of November and identify the artwork with the first name of the student, their age, and the school name.


The winner of the competition will receive a Certificate and Gift Card for $75 and runners-up will receive a Certificate and Gift Card for $25.


The entries for the competition will be displayed in the window of my office, and the winning artwork will be featured on my social media accounts.


I hope this will be a fun activity for your students and look forward to receiving some wonderful artwork!


With kind regards,
