Grade 3-6:

Both the Grade 4/5A classroom and 5/6A classroom have been continuing their study of the book ‘Wonder’ which is written by Raquel Jaramillo Palacio. The students have been able to include themselves in text to text connections, text to self connections, and text to world connections with this terms mentor text. It has been great to see all the students include themselves in valuable classroom discussions about Wonder. Students have thoroughly been enjoying this book and it has been great to see the students looking forward to reading this book each day. The students have also been focusing on writing a recount/journal as to what occurred in the pages that they read on that day. The students are looking forward to watching the movie once they have finished reading this book next Term.
The Grade 3/4A class have finished reading “The 13 Storey Treehouse.” We have since done a character comparison between the two main characters Andy and Terry, a book review (the book was very highly rated among our students) and the students are finishing off designing their own 13 Storey Treehouse with their own levels. There have been some very creative rooms/levels made and the students are enjoying showing their creative ideas!
The Grade 3 – 6 students have continued learning about how to write a recount during Writing lessons the past few weeks. Students have been able to learn about four major styles of Recount Writing. They have been able to learn about Personal Recounts, Factual Recounts, Imaginative Recounts, and Literary Recounts. Students have thoroughly been enjoying the writing process and have even enjoyed reading their recounts out to the whole class. It has been great to see the confidence of many of the students in the senior module grow over the years with their social skills.
The senior module has continued working on the topic “Chance” during math lessons the past week. Students have been able to include themselves in a wide range of activities. Students have also been enjoying learning about the topic of “Shape.” Students have been able to learn all about the difference between 2D shapes and 3D shapes and have even been able to learn about what a “Octahedron”, “Decahedron" is.
Inquisitive Minds:
The Grade 5/6 classroom have been able to learn about the Paralympics and have thoroughly enjoyed watching the Aussies play. Students have been working on researching Paralympic Sports and understanding the history of the games. They have been able to learn the differences and similarities between the Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games.
The Grade 3/4 classroom setup a mini-Olympics for the Prep/Grade 1 classroom last week and were able to modify a sport for these young students. Students were able to learn lot about how it felt to be a teacher and educate the students about these sports. These sports included:
- Archery
- Basketball
- Soccer
- Gymnastics
- Rhythmic Gymnastics
- Shotput
- 50m Relay
- Hurdles
We finished off this week by giving out medals for each event to the lucky recipients which the students had hand made. The Prep/1's were very excited out this!