Prep to Grade 2:

What a wonderful term 3 we have enjoyed in Prep/1A! Over the past few weeks, we have taken a deep dive into Little Learners stages 4+ and 5, learning about common double letters (ll, ss, ff), adding the suffix -s to nouns and verbs, and reading and writing words with 4 sounds.
In writing, we read the picture book 'Colouroos' by Anna McGregor to inspire us as we wrote our very own colour poem. We planned, drafted and published our work and I'm sure you will agree, the results are just amazing!
In maths we concluded our unit in patterns by creating beautiful and interesting patterns in music, in movement and in nature! Using materials from our dry bed and sensory garden, the students made fabulous patterns from leaves, sticks, stones, flowers and seeds, and then labelled them accordingly.
We've wrapped up the term in maths revising ordinal numbers, again using a number of fabulous picture story books such as 'Room on the Broom' by Julia Donaldson, to engage the children in their learning.
Finally, the P/1s enjoyed a mini-Olympics designed, organised and run by the Year 3/4 students. They were variations of the sports held during the recent Games in Paris... running relays, soccer, gymnastics, beanbag throwing and hurdles to name a few. Thank you 3/4s, we had lots of fun! See the senior module page, to see some pics from our awards ceremony!
The grade 1s have been very busy over the last few weeks learning lots of alternative spellings for the long e and long o sounds including e-e, e, o-e, oe, o, and ow! Students having been working hard to read, spell, and include these sounds in their writing and it has been really amazing to see such incredible growth in our little learners' literacy journeys. Grade 2s have been focussing on their morphology rules including 'changing the y to an i' rule when adding suffixes, as well as learning more spellings for the /ear/ sound.
In maths, we've finished up our division unit and done a mini unit on Shape. Students have revised the names and properties of 2D and some 3D shapes and enjoyed a shape scavenger hunt around the school and lots of games to practice identifying shapes in the real world.
Inquisitive Minds - Prep-2
As the term drew to an end, we celebrated the wonderful hard work and achievement of all students who imagined, planned, constructed, improved, and shared their digital technologies products. In this inquiry unit, small groups selected a fairytale, designed and made a puppet, and presented a short puppet show to their peers and some of the grade 6 buddies. The work was filled with equal parts of frustration and fun, and in the end, the students thoroughly enjoyed taking center stage to perform. We wrapped up the unit this week by evaluating and asking them to consider what worked well, what didn't work well and what could we improve for next time. Each of their reflections were detailed and thoughtful - well done to the junior module for such a fabulous unit of work!