Principal's Update

I can't quite believe we are already at the end of Term 3!
What a fantastic Term we have had!
Book Week
Book Fair
Author Visit and walking excursion to the Wheelers Hill Library for a Book Week play.
Book Parade
School Athletics Carnival
District Athletics Carnival
100 Days of Prep
Fathers Day Breakfast and fun morning
Working Bee - thanks to all the families who came to help - we really appreciate it!
Our ongoing Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
Also our School Disco
Bunnings Sausage sizzle
I Am Mindful - our grade 5 program
Story Dogs with gorgeous Maia
and .... our grade 2 Sleepover tonight!
This is all in addition to the fantastic learning which continues at each level.
Our big news which is happening as we speak is that our basketbll court upgrade has begun!! This is a really exciting time to be part of the WMPS community!
I would like to thank all our families, all our staff and especially our students for another great Term!
Please be safe over the holidays and come back refreshed ready for a busy Term 4 - with grade 3-6 camp and swimming as well as everything else we will be doing!
Take care and be kind
Meredith Thornton