
Aaron Cox


Time Flies - We Are Here for the Students

As we reach the end of another term, it’s hard to believe we’re already three quarters of the way through the year! A few weeks ago, I shared an insightful article by Michael Grose about the importance of outdoor play for children and the rising levels of anxiety. I urge all parents to let their kids explore and even experience boredom without technology. Together, we can help ensure that our children grow up healthy and resilient, rather than becoming the most medicated generation in history.


Enjoy your holidays! We look forward to welcoming everyone back on October 7th. Term 4 will be action-packed and I’m particularly excited for our students to showcase their talents in the circus program in the new gym on November 19th and 20th. This program fosters grit and determination, allowing children to find success and pride in their individual efforts - a valuable life lesson indeed.


Cosentino Learning Centre - We Are Here for the Students

Thanks to the generous support of our parents who contribute to our building fund, we’re thrilled to announce that our current Year 6 students have officially moved into the refurbished Cosentino Hall! This project is a result of your contributions and will benefit all students as the space will be utilized according to the needs of various cohorts.

Looking ahead, our major project for 2025 will be the development of a Wellbeing Hub for students. This dedicated space will support those who need to regulate their emotions and provide opportunities for entire classes to participate in wellbeing activities. To make this a reality, we will be refurbishing a portable, and the success of this initiative relies heavily on the continued support of our voluntary building fund. Mrs. Franklyn will share more details at the beginning of Term 4.


Thank you for your unwavering support, and let’s continue working together to create an enriching environment for our students!


School Uniform Items - Lead the Way

We’re excited to announce that the School Council has officially passed the new uniform policy! Throughout this process, students have actively provided feedback on the proposed changes, and we’re proud to have their voices heard.


Starting in Term 4, uniform pieces will be on display in the entryway of the administration building for all parents to view. By 2025, staff will be fully enforcing the new uniform policy, ensuring consistency across our school community. Families can also utilize their $400 per student resource bonus to help purchase the correct uniform items. For specific details, please refer to the 2024 uniform policy.


Additionally, we kindly ask all parents to ensure that current uniform pieces are labelled with your child’s name. This simple step makes it much easier for us to return any misplaced items to their rightful owners.


Thank you for your support as we lead the way in fostering a positive and unified school environment!