OLF Environment Team 

NEW - Environment Team Initiatives 

Did you know that the garbage in our bins ends up in landfills? Landfills are big holes in the ground, full of rubbish. These landfills will be around much longer than us, as plastic takes 100 to 400 years to break down entirely in a landfill. They also create water and air pollution, generating a horrendous smell affecting the surrounding communities.  To help reduce landfills, we will collect and recycle plastic bottles, preventing them from going into landfills. 


We will also be introducing a Waste-Free Wednesday to OLF in Term 4. We will be asking families to try to pack their lunch boxes on a Wednesday with the least amount of packaging they can. Each grade will be assigned some Year 6 students who will help explain these two initiatives in more detail. 


Together we can keep our community clean and waste-free.


Aisling (Year 6) and the Environmental Team

Garden Update

To celebrate the start of Spring we planted new vegetables, donated by Bunnings into our garden. We have cucumber, tomato, eggplant and beans. Our Chickens are very happy and lay one egg each a day, sometimes we they even lay a double yolk egg? If you would like to purchase some of our OLF fresh eggs please complete the form and we will let you now when they are in the office ready for collection.

Allegra and The Environmental Team 







Mrs Kim Noonan