Elephant and Ant Problems Year 1

Students in Year 1 have been learning about how to manage their problems. We discovered that problems can be big and small! 


Kyra A 1A - An ant problem is when you lose your pencil and an elephant problem is when you see a chopped down tree in front of you. 

Christian C 1A - An ant problem is like when you accidentally trip and an elephant problem is when someone might steal your money. 

Oscar 1A - An ant problem is when someone pushed me lightly and an elephant problem is when I fell down from a high tower on the 1/2 playground. 

Ryan G 1A - An ant problem is like a small trip and an elephant is getting crushed by a car. 

Alyssa 1MU- An ant problem is something small and an elephant problem is a BIG BIG problem you must tell a teacher.

Aozhi 1MU - An ant problem is like someone stealing your seat. An Elephant problem is like breaking a bone.

Buena 1MU - When something small happens and a monkey problem is a like when someone hurts your feelings but a big problem is when blood is everywhere. 

Luke 1H - An ant problem has a little scratch and an elephant is the school is on fire

Emily 1H - An ant problem is someone calling you a bad name and an elephant is someone who is hurting you badly. 

Jeffrey 1H -  An ant problem is someone calling you dumb and an elephant problem is you hurt your head badly.