Learning Specialists

Curriculum Day - Teachers' Ongoing Professional Learning
Teachers at MRPS welcomed the opportunity to learn more about the new Maths Curriculum that will be implemented next year.
Whilst the content is not going to undergo a massive change, the new curriculum has more detail, some changes to its structure and new maths language for teachers to become familiar with before planning begins for 2025. The Maths Curriculum 2.0 will have a larger emphasis on maths in the real world as well as making better connections between the areas of maths, for example number and measurement.
On Monday staff compared what is already being used with the new curriculum. They began to develop an overall view of maths within their own Professional Learning Community (PLC) as well as look at the 'big picture' of what other PLC's will be teaching to understand the sequence of student learning.
Interspersed throughout the day, were some Maths activities that were related to different year levels of the new curriculum.
Some of the staff comments from the day were:
"Positive day – will support our teaching of 2.0 in 2025, practical activities to achieve".
"This was a very good way to introduce a change to the team and to allow them time to digest the curriculum differences. I’m sure people exit with a much better understanding".
"A great day – lots of work to do!"
Pat Withell
Learning Specialist - Teaching and Learning