Write a Book in a Day - By Edwin & Arham

Swoosh! It was a windy and crazy day ahead of us as we got ready for Write a Book in a Day. As soon as my watch hit 8:00am, we jumped out of our seats with paper and pencils in our hands and raced to our tables to start writing. We were going to be writing a whole book in one day to raise money for the Kids' Cancer Project and create books for children in hospital - they needed to be perfect.
As Kyra ran through the door huffing and puffing with the parameters, we were so happy and excited to finally start writing. As soon as we knew it, we had finished Chapter 1.
It was a long, tiring but fun day. We couldn't have done it without teamwork, communication and some pizza, garlic bread and soft drink to celebrate!!
A big thank you to Kyra, Jess and Emily for hosting and supporting us with writing our books. We would also like to thank Mrs Nissen for allowing us to participate in the Write a Book in a Day competition and fundraiser.
We are SO thankful to all of our friends and family who sponsored us!! Our grand total was $2742 and will all go towards kids cancer research!
Written by Edwin B and Arham A
Our front covers:
We hope to have some copies printed and ready for people to read very soon :)