School Noticeboard

Awards Week 1
Clancy Bird - for writing in the red and blue lines.
Kylirrah Rotherick - Student of the Week.
Zariah Rotherick - Enthusiasm with technology tasks.
Luella Cameron - for working hard with problem solving in maths.
Ellie Williams - Principal's Award
Contact Numbers
Phone: 07 4665 0133
Mobile Phone: 0436 948 675
Absence Line: 07 4665 0276
Library News
K/P/1/2 Thursday
Year 3-6 Friday
Please remember to bring your Books and Library Bags each week.
Happy Birthday to:
Oct 18th - Nina Cameron
Kindy News
This term we welcome our Kindy kids 3 days each week. Tues/Thurs/Fri. They have all come back ready to make the most of the last term of Kindy.
We have been learning about regulating our emotions and all the children have made a mind jar. They may want to teach you how they use these.
Please find attached a link if you would like to read further information regarding helping
children with strategies to regulate emotions.
Could notices for The Weekly please be emailed or phoned through by
2.00pm on a Monday afternoon.
email -