The Learning Zone


Creative Arts education encourages critical thinking and problem-solving. By working through artistic challenges, children will develop valuable skills that are transferable to other areas of both academic and personal life.  Participating in creative pursuits such as Drama and Visual arts develop in children the ability to think outside the box and express ideas visually, physically and emotionally. To learn a musical instrument or perform a choreographed dance routine requires patience, effort and persistence.

Children will learn the value of commitment when they take on learning in the Arts arena, whether working solo or in a team. In our schools, we are focused on providing education across all Key Learning Areas and talents in the area of Creative and Practical Arts are worth nurturing and developing.

This does not necessarily mean that a child is going to be an artist or performer when they leave school but that they will use the skills learnt in the Arts to get into medicine, business, education, science or whatever career path they choose. 

We are fortunate to work here at St Mary of the Angels where we see blossoming talents among our young people, thank you for supporting events such as the Creative Arts Evening.

Theresa Grills




Library News

  • Overdue books need to be returned to the library asap!
  • Please ensure your child has a library bag so they can enjoy these reads at their leisure at home! Library Bags 🤝New Books