Principal's Panorama

Zoe Nugent 

Well, we have reached the end of another term!  

It has been a very busy and productive term and I am so incredibly in awe of our skilled helpful adults and our young people. 


This term has seen St Mary of the Angels continue to grow from strength to strength.  Our heavy work in the Clarity Framework: 14 Parameters and our non-negotiable literacy and numeracy block has been highlighted through our Parent Learning Walks and Talks. It has been incredible special to share this growth and journey with parents and carers.  As an educator who has worked across systems and states, I know the education that we are providing at St Mary of the Angels is top notch, as evidenced through our achievement data and with engaged and happy learners.

Also during the Week Nine,  our Leadership Team attended the Clarity Suite Professional Learning Workshop, presented by Dr Lyn Sharratt from Canada.  The two days of professional development allowed for the staff to collaborate and identify further steps to support school improvement and is the work that we have been highlighting to our parents and carers through our learning walks and talks!!


Last night watching our young people perform was an absolute highlight of the term.  Seeing their joy (and fear), as they showcase their talents is awe inspiring and although there were some technical glitches... feedback so far has been outstanding!

Please see the write up from Mrs Grills and the photos from Mrs Davidson.

Thank you to the Parents and Friends for their grazing boxes and thank you to the parents and carers who provided feedback on our night.


My School Survey

Thank you to the parents and carers who took the time to complete the My School Satisfaction survey, we have had a magnificent response to the survey and we look forward to seeing what feedback we receive!  Please keep it coming! 


School Advisory Council Nominations

"What is the role of the School Advisory Council?"

  • The Catholic School Advisory Council provides the opportunity for members of the school and parish community to support the mission of Catholic education in the school. 
    • Working with the Principal and the Parish Priest, the members of the Council and its committees provide guidance and support to the wider school community.
  • The Catholic School Advisory Council has an advisory role; it has no mirror in secular society. The policies of the school are always set within the mission of Catholic education. In areas where it has an advisory role in the development and monitoring of school policy, the Council operates within the policies and procedures determined by Armidale Catholic Schools.
  • The Principal has responsibility for the day to day leadership and management of the school.

So how can you be a part of the School Advisory Council?

Each year in November, a School Advisory Council Annual General Meeting is held. 

All nominations will be subject to a prayerful discernment process that will involve the SAC and those considering nomination to the SAC. The process will acknowledge potential, perceived or real conflicts of interest. 

This in itself is not an impediment. The process will have regard for confidentiality and be respectful towards all nominees. 


Any vacancies for both renewal will involve a call for nominations from within the school community. 

  • This may include a direct invitation to certain school community members to consider nominating for the SAC.
  • Self nomination .
  • Nomination by another school community member. 
    • Please note: ask the potential nominee if they are open to this service. This is not an award but a request for service - they should be asked for their permission first before a nomination goes forward.

If a person desires to nominate or be nominated for the School Advisory Council of St Mary of the Angels, they will be required to undertake a compulsory information session with the Armidale Catholic Schools or their delegate before nominations final call.  A date for this will be advertised early next term.  After the compulsory completion of the information session, these intending SAC nominees will complete a nomination form (available at the office by request), to be return to the St Mary of the Angels School administration or Principal by NO LATER than close of school office 4:00 pm on the 11th of November 2024.


Congratulations to Mrs Brennan!

Congratulations to Mrs Brennan on achieving her accreditation level of Proficient. You are an absolute superstar of an educator and we know you have a huge future in teaching and the Armidale Diocese.  Thanks must also go to the Armidale Catholic Schools ECT Team and in particular our ECT coach, Phoebe O'Shea for her support of Annabel through the accreditation process.


Congratulations to Year 12 students at O'Connor who have their final Mass and Assembly this week, and to all of our Year 11 and 12 students undertaking exams next term.

We wish you all the best as you prepare for your HSC and the exciting adventures that lie ahead for you!

A reminder that our young people return to school on Tuesday 15th October!

Please have a gentle and safe holiday!

I spoke to the cherubs this morning... no broken bones etc allowed!


Until next time!
