Principal's Report  

Mr Pitt  

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Welcome to the final newsletter for the term. We have had another extremely busy term for everyone at Fairvale PS and how fitting to finish it off with our amazing Fairvale Festival last night. Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to thank our community for all their support throughout the term. Check out some of my Term 3 memories below. 



As most of you would be aware this is my last week at Fairvale PS. I will be moving to Jordan Springs Public School as relieving principal in Term 4. This is a wonderful opportunity, and I am looking forward to it. Leaving Fairvale PS tomorrow afternoon will be difficult as it has been a fantastic place to work at since I commenced back in 2015 – I have loved every minute! I have worked with some amazing, talented staff members, watched our awesome students learn and grow every day, and I have forged many positive connections with families and the wider community. I am proud of all our achievements over the years, always committed to school improvement whilst delivering excellence in learning, teaching and leading. The last few days have been overwhelming – your kind words and thanks has meant a lot. I will miss everyone immensely. For now, I leave Fairvale PS with many fond memories.       


We will have a few staff changes when we return in Term 4. 

  • Ms Christina Huynh will be leaving at the end week due to family commitments
  • Mrs Gina Lale returns, working Thursdays teaching 6D
  • Mrs Merna Jewo returns working Thursday and Friday in a support role
  • Mrs Ashleigh Jewo will continue in Term 4, increasing to 4 days per week in the role of learning support and librarian on Fridays
  • Mrs Gayle Sloggett is on leave for Wks 1-2, replaced by Connie Tudman. Mrs Yasmine Buenaventura will be relieving AP (S2).
  • Mrs Grace Olivera is on leave for Wk 1. Replaced by various casuals.
  • Miss Chloe Fletcher will be relieving Principal and Mrs Joanne Fedele will be acting Deputy Principal. Miss Jenna Volpato will be relieving Assistant Principal (S1) during Weeks 1 and 2. 2F will be taught by Mr Toga Erbil.
  • The relieving principal will officially commence at Fairvale PS from Week 3.


For my very last bike visits in 2024, I visited 3S and 5Z.   

3 SAUVAGE – I visited 3S last Monday during a writing lesson. To begin with Mrs Sloggett and 3S recounted the text they have been reading called ‘Piano Fingers’. It was pleasing to see so many students wanting to share their understanding. After this, 3S explored the theme of their family using the 5 senses. Some examples of smell included – cheesy pizza, hot chips, mum’s perfume and smelly socks. After sharing some of their own examples, children returned to their desks to continue their work. It was a fantastic bike visit!

5 ZHANG – I had a great visit to 5Z last Tuesday afternoon during a writing lesson. The day’s focus was a poetry analysis. Firstly, Miss Zanatta explained the activity before breaking the class into small groups. Children used a device to listen to the slam poem being read. After this, they worked together to locate figurative language by giving a response and an example. Groups also had to analyse the poem and determine such features such as volume, intonation, tone and expression. I enjoyed talking to the groups about their learning. Check out my pics in this edition of the newsletter. 


The wait was finally over! It has been a busy week with the dress rehearsal on Tuesday and then 2 shows yesterday. As always, the children were the superstars and every year each show just gets better and better. I would like to sincerely thank our whole staff because for these events to take place, it really does need to have everyone on board - this includes staff who were at school supervising classes, to our ticket collection team, our Festival Project Team leader, Mrs La Robina coordinating every aspect of the event and working closely with the festival team - thank you! To our teachers who have been directly involved in working with each performance, the biggest thanks to you. I know the work you have all put in, and to see your faces light up as much as the parents and children during both shows on Wednesday just shows how much these events mean to us all. Thank you, parents and carers for allowing your children the opportunity to take part in this year’s Fairvale Festival. I would also like to take this opportunity in thanking Lisa Porter, Director Educational Leadership - Fairfield Network for attending the evening show. I would also like to thank everyone for your kind wishes – the special message for me was touching. Check out Miss Fletcher’s section of the newsletter for more information and pics!   


During the term, some of our families have approached me about having Vacation Care in operation at Fairvale PS. I explained that this was a service made available several years ago, but unfortunately, OSH CLUB were not receiving the enrolments needed to operate. I have been in contact with the area manager who has kindly provided some of the services on offer (not really local, but I thought it was important to share). The good news is a meeting is being planned shortly to discuss what this might look in the future. Remember to check out some of the local services made available for children these holidays in this edition of the newsletter.



Some Term 3 highlights have included:  

  • Dental van check-ups
  • Stage 3 Peer Support Training 
  • K-6 Speech Competitions, Spelling Bee and Debating success!
  • Education Week Activities – NAIDOC Day, FAMILY Day, OLYMPICS Day and AUTHOR Day
  • 3-6 Athletics Carnival - school, zone and regional 
  • K-6 Peer Support Program First Nations Afternoon tea with parents/ carers 
  • SCIENCE Week and BOOK Week Door Displays 
  • ICAS assessments 
  • EAL/D Sydney Zoo Excursion
  • 100 Days of Kindergarten celebration 
  • Stage 3 The Tops Camp 
  • Aboriginal children Cultural Day workshops
  • Parent Café workshops and excursions
  • Gymnastics – Year 5 
  • Celebrating SASS WEEK 
  • Father’s Day Stall 
  • National Week of Action – Bullying No Way! 
  • Battle for Australia Ceremony  
  • Years 3-6 Check-in Assessment 
  • Fairvale Festival 
  • Principal’s Morning Tea 

Wishing everyone a wonderful vacation period. Be safe, be active and have loads of fun! Term 4 commences on Monday 14 October, 2024.


Anthony Pitt


I respect and acknowledge First Nations people as the traditional owners of the land on which I work, live and visit.