Student Attendance
Just a Bit Late...
Did you know that every minute counts if your child is to receive the best possible education that they can receive? I am asked occasionally, “Having a day off every now can’t hurt can it?” Well actually …yes it absolutely can! Not only should your children attend school each day, but it is just as important to BE ON TIME! I remind you that school commences at 9.00 am each morning. You will all know we ring the bell at 8:50 with staff opening their rooms to allow students to get a little organised before school.
It is very disruptive for the other students and your child if they come into their class while the initial day’s instructions are being given. This is the most vital time to set things up, give any important information about the day ahead or changes to what students may have thought was happening that day. If your child is late they will miss this and be behind all day. I point you to the Department of Education and Training website where there is much information giving reasons why your child should be at school every day. This also applies to being on time to school every day as this has the same effect on your child’s learning as time away from school. Of course, if your child is unwell please keep them at home.
All absences must be entered by parents directly into Compass.