Notizie Italiane

Giochi Matemateci del Mediterraneo 

On Friday 7th March, twenty-eight BSPS Year 4, 5, and 6 students participated in the third test of the Giochi Matemateci del Mediterraneo. This test was different, special in a certain sense, as we received the paper tests from Italy via International post! We opened the parcel from Italy insieme and discovered its contents: individualised student certificates and gold, silver and bronze medals.

Congratulazioni ragazzi, you are all fantastico, magnifico, eccellente!

Certificates and medals will be awarded to the students participating over the next few weeks, so stay tuned for more information!


Pranzo Italiano Lunchtime Club-Parent/Carer Volunteers Needed!

We would like to launch our 2025 Pranzo Italiano Lunchtime Club, and we need your help to do so! To continue the great work of Oliver Mann and the 2024 Italian bilingual subcommittee, we are looking for parent/carer volunteers to run the club once a month this year.

If you are interested in joining us in a fun and immersive language cooking experience and 


you speak some Italian, please contact Nancy via and attention the email: Pranzo Italiano Lunchtime Club Volunteers

Italian Day-Parent/Carer Volunteers Needed

This year Italian Day at BSPS will be celebrated on Monday 28th April, following Italy’s Liberation Day, known in Italian as Festa della Liberazione. With a national public holiday each year on 25 April, this year Italy will celebrate its 80th anniversary of liberation!

As always, Italian Day is a huge success because of our parent/carer contributions and help on the day!

If you would like to be a part of this memorable day, please contact Nancy via and attention the email: Italian Day Volunteers.

We need 15 volunteers for the day, so first in best dressed!

Grazie mille a tutti,
