
This week in Foundation, we have been learning to count. Come so dice in Italiano, you ask? Impariamo a contare. We have been exploring how to count forwards and backwards 0-10/10-0 from any given number, we have been practising our subitising skills of numbers 0-10. Subitising is the ability to look at a small set of dots and instantly know how many there are without counting them. For example, when rolling a dice we don't need to count the dots to know what we have rolled. 

We have also been reading our mentor text, ‘10 Black Dots’/ ‘10 punti neri’ and embodying our school motto of ‘creare insieme’! We have been exploring our artistic talents by drawing images with just a few dots. Take a look at some of our amazing masterpieces. Who says we can’t be artists in Maths!