Meet Our Leaders

Communication Leaders
School Leaders:
Our new School Leaders have had a warm welcome. This year instead of two School Captains we have four. Our names are Logan, Bailey Mackenzie and Emma. As school Captains we would like to introduce the other lucky students that have been selected for a leadership role. These people are super happy with the roles they have been given.
- Auslan Leaders: Lulu, Summer, Jasper and EJ
- Environmental Leaders: Allie, Harlei
- House Captains: Catlin, Oakley, Maximus, Niklaus
- Communication Leaders Riley and Alexis
- Library Leaders: Jenna and Emily
- Play Leaders Blake, Jacob, Mia B, Mia S, Michael
- Art Leaders: Benedict and Zara
Our assembly has been split into three different parts. Opening, awards and closing. We have chosen partners and will swap between opening and closing and awards.
We'd love to introduce ourselves as School Leaders and how we feel.
Hi I’m Mackenzie and I’m a School Leader at Seaford Park Primary School. It’s a big responsibility and you need to put a lot of effort into it. In prep I was extremely shy and in the end I’ve built up the courage to be a School Leader. For all the preps out there you're all going to be ok. I didn't believe it but look where I am now. I love my role and its responsibilities and everything about it.
My name is Logan and I’m a School Leader at Seaford Park Primary School. I used to be a Library Leader. It is a big responsibility jumping from Library Leader to School Leader. I love this role and how fun it is. It makes me super happy to help and represent Seaford Park.
My name is Bailey and I’m a School Leader. I Used to be a library leader. I am very happy with my leadership role and I am a bit nervous but I am proud of myself and my point of view.
I’m Emma and I hope that as a team this year we can make assemblies more fun and engaging. I really think that this role is special and will fulfil the responsibility that comes with it.
Thank you for taking the time to read our new
Play Leaders:
Play leader newsletter.
Hi we are the play leaders; the play leaders are Mia. S, Mia B, Blake, Michael and Jacob!
Here are the games that we will be playing each week this exciting term.
.Week 4 poison ball or cast
.Week 5 temple run and farmer Sam!
.Week 6 temple run and ice cream relay!
.Week 7 revenge tag or rock paper scissors race!
.Week 8 cats and mice or germs!
.Week 9 silent ball or Chinese whispers
.Week 10 temple run or farmer Sam
Thank you for reading our newsletter
Library Leaders:
Library Leaders 2025
Hello everyone we are the Library Leaders of 2025. We can’t wait to help all of you do library and enjoy books.
Jenna & Emily.
Sarah Speedie came to our school on the 13th of February 2025. She shared her story books: Boss cat, Meowter chef, Mozzies vs Flies and Crazy about book week with a selected few. All of the students with Sarah Speedie enjoyed her suggestions on how we could make our stories better and we all enjoyed writing a story about a Holiday Fiasco. Our school library does now have her books in the library so you can borrow them. Students Mackenzie & Lulu explain the encounter with Sarah Speedie as “I loved it and enjoyed writing the story.” We all can’t wait for adventure through a story.
Library Leaders Jenna & Emily 😀
Auslan Leader:
We have a new deaf student (puppet), his name is Jeffery. Jeffery will sometimes be out in the yard and up at assembly. He will sometimes go around and visit classes. If students sign to him, he will grab a token out of his bag and the student will be rewarded. Thank You.
House Captains
Hello we’re the 2025 House Captains. In our team we have Caitlin, Maximus, Niklaus, and Oakley. We’re excited to take part as the House Captains for 2025.
Our responsibilities as House Captains are to hand out sports equipment during lunch and recess, announcing the tokens gained at Fascination Friday during assembly, and stating the class who gained the most tokens over the fortnight. We also create tokens every so often when supply gets low.
This term we are doing cross country.
Students in the following age groups have signed up for cross country;
9-10 boys, 9-10 girls, 11 boys, 11 girls, 12-13 boys, and 12-13 girls.
They are currently taking part in cross country training, run by Mr O.
Eventually, a group of students from each age group will be selected for interschool cross country.
Once again we are extremely looking forward to being house captains and
We have high hopes for the upcoming year.
The House Captain team.
Environment Leaders:
Hi we are the Environmental leaders Allie and Harlei. We do gardening at Fascination Friday and at some lunch times for the entire lunch with Miss Sloane. These pictures are from the garden the first picture is our water station not for drinking but for our chalk when drawing and to water the garden. The second one and the third picture is for our arts and crafts, one is for drawing the other is for a plant pot or whatever you imagine it to be. The fourth picture is our garden for vegetables and fruit.