Hello, from Carolyn.
Respect, responsibility and kindness
Hello, from Carolyn.
Respect, responsibility and kindness
Hello everyone, from Bella and Toby, 2025 School Captains.
Hello, we are the new school captains. We are very happy that we were elected.
Bella- I wanted to be a School Captain so I could help other students in lots of different ways and make their school year special.
Toby- I wanted to follow in the footsteps of my siblings because they had both been school captains!
We are excited to share our ideas that wil benefit the whole school. We are looking forward to helping with fundraising, the disco night, maybe running some activites for our younger students. We will also support our House Captains to run events.
If you see us in the yard, and you need some help, come and talk to us, we will help you.
We are looking forward to having a great year and helping everyone have a great year too.
Parking and Safety around our school.
Parking Services from the City of Greater Bendigo have contacted our school to request that we share the following important information with our school community.
The illegal parking of vehicles near our school poses a significant safety risk to children, pedestrians, and other road users. Parents are reminded to follow all parking restrictions when dropping off and collecting children to help ensure a safe environment for everyone.
Motorists must:
Regarding children’s crossings, the law requires drivers to approach at a speed that allows them to stop safely if needed. Please slow down and take extra care when driving in school zones.
City of Greater Bendigo Parking Officers and Bendigo Police conduct random patrols throughout the school year at various locations to ensure compliance with Road Safety Road Rules.
Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our school community safe.
School Council elections.
A reminder that nomination forms for school council are available from the office. I hope you are considering nominating!
What is the job of our school council?
School councils are groups that make decisions that set the direction of the school. They:
*help create and check the school's budget
*contribute to the school strategic plan
*Provide a point of contact for school families and the school when a parent would like something raised at school council but need support to do that
*help make decisions on some policies such as uniform.
Working with our school council is a pleasure as we have a range of people around the table with different skills and ideas, however we all have the same aim- to support all of our students to be their best, and to work together so that our school continues to improve and be the best it can be.
Family Breakfast Club term 1 celebration! Thursday 13 March.
We are looking forward to welcoming lots of families to our Term 1 Family Breakfast Club. Our aim is to have one each term, usually early in the term to welcome everyone back to school after holidays. Our Breakfast Club menu on Family Breakfast Club day will include- pancakes, cheese toasties, fruit, cereal, baked beans or spaghetti, and, tea and coffee for the grown ups. Come along and join us, it will be a lovely way to start your day.
8:15am, Thursday 13 March in the Multipurpose room.
Reminder-Student free day Tuesday 11 March.
On Tuesday 11th March our staff will be participating in Protective Intervention Training. Please make note of this date as it is a student free day. Check our OSHC page in the newsletter to find out how to register for childcare for the day.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.
warm regards,
School banking details.
Bendigo Violet Street Primary
BSB: 033-688
Account number: 93-1292
Payment reference: use your surname and fees.