Principal's Report
Joshua Sheffield Image: Some of our many and expanding Kitchen Garden beds
Principal's Report
Joshua Sheffield Image: Some of our many and expanding Kitchen Garden beds
I’m pleased to share that the nomination and election process for School Council has been completed, and as there were the same number of nominees as vacancies, there was no need for an election. There are some new members that will join in 2025, who we look forward to welcoming to the group. The members for 2025 are:
David McGuigan (Gr 3), Carmen Curreli (Gr 5: New), Mark Alexander (Gr 1 & 4), Jane Holroyd (Gr 6), Travers Nuttal (Gr 2 & 4), Linda Corr (5 & 6), Ngaio Parker (Gr 2), Nick Huggett (Found: New), Paul Roberts (Found: New), Cameron Azer (DET), Stephen Young (DET: New), Nicole St Leon (DET), Amanda Howe (DET).
Parent Helpers are a valuable opportunity to build a strong partnership between school and home and also present the opportunity to create wonderful memories of engaging in your child’s education. It is a prerequisite that parents helping in classrooms first undertake our Parent Helper Course before volunteering. This only needs to be done once in your child’s schooling. Courses for new parents will be available later this term, so please keep an eye out for dates and times.
To ensure compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act, the Department of Education are auditing all schools and, where necessary, installing new ramps that are compliant with the required standards. In the coming weeks, you will see works begin in our school, and continue throughout Term 2. These works are being paid for centrally by the Department of Education.
We are working closely with the architects, Victorian School Building Authority and contractors to minimise disruption, however due to the scope of the works, there will be times where certain entries to our buildings are limited. I thank you in anticipation of your flexibility and understanding of this.
Sadly, Traci’s (our much loved music teacher) son Oli recently passed away. After a long battle with cancer, Oli passed peacefully, having defied the odds and outlived his prognosis by many years. Our thoughts and wishes are with Traci and her family during this incredibly difficult time and we look forward to coming together to support her.
Through our partnership with our Chinese Sister School, we are excited to be able to offer the opportunity for Grade 5 and 6 students to participate in a two week cultural tour of China. Alongside visiting many sites, it also includes a trip to our Sister School and homestay opportunity. We are currently in the process of ascertaining the feasibility of this opportunity, and Grade 5 and 6 families are reminded to email should you wish to participate.
There will be a second hand uniform sale take place on Thursday 20th March at 3:00pm; a great opportunity to stock up for cooler weather!
To stay up to date with all events and key dates, see the Compass Calendar.
Congratulations to Max Hooker who recently won the State Pole Vaulting Title. This is an outstanding achievement, on which he has worked incredibly hard to accomplish. Max will move on to compete at the Nationals next month and we wish him all the very best with this.